DESIGNworks – ARTworks – Creative interior spaces – Commercial – Leisure – Care Interior Design – photography – paper sculpture

Archive for May, 2010

A black canvas?

Allthough I love colour and paint very colourful artworks, for interior spaces, especially the wall finishes I like a far more understated affair.  I like to use colour that has no sense of time, does not denote a fashion “trend” but one that instills a sense of calmness, unseen, just “there” .  You could liken it to blank canvas but that really demotes it I feel, I like to think it enhances the symmetry of the architecture, like putting on a tailored jacket to enhance your “shape”.

Its important for me that each piece of the “jigsaw” has integrity, it has a purpose, and that purpose for me is to create a sense of emotional wellbeing, this is where I source my designs from, happiness, feeling comfortable, feeling secure, and of course excitement.

Greys, Charcoal to silver, always have been a favourite, using the tonal values, rich, dark, and dramatic, to a much lighter airy feel.   These images inspire me, they demonstrate what I feel, they are tear sheets from numerous media sources, elle decoracion and various american mags.  Always on the look out for inspiration, not only from the media, but from nature, food and paintings, more on this later