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Posts tagged “orange

Sneak Preview

Not long now and all will be revealed…………  IDC  have all been working on site preparing the interiors for the launch on June 6th.  Just the spa complex complete now.

Here’s a sneak peak of what is to come


Billiards room


My love affair with blue, the turquoise variety in the main, does not seem to be diminishing.  I have a red thing going on too, a big georgian mansion with a double ht hallway with a stone cantilevered stairway, 10m high !!, however thats another story that I am very excited about.

I found an image on Style Salonista this morning, a fashion shot by Demarchelier,  that’s so cool and very inspiring from an interiors perspective.  the mix of dark navy wool, chocolate, cafe au lait inserts, tuquoise embroidery with bronze studs and beading, all topped with a beautifully quilted turquoise hat………  A Dior creation ,that to me is stunning.  I want to use these colourings in a huge victorian pile that I am designing, it also has an amazing galleried entrance , large spaces, tall ceilings.  The richness of hte blues make other colours zing, add orange, golds and yellows, paler teals, duck egg and greys for softer less dramatic areas.

images courtesy of Style Salonista

Courtesy Bellocq Tea Atelier New York

Tangerine Dream

Just up for a bit of air ! Very busy , plans, plans, plans and lots of luscious colour choices

Orange is one of my favourite colours, it incredibly zingy teamed with Grey, another all time favourite !

In fact any colour teamed with grey seems to sing loudly………  strange but I sense a lot of my colour as music, and music conjures up colours………

Kandinsky work expressed the sounds and movements of music, synaesthesia is the term, the louder the music, the more saturated the colour and so on.

This  brings me back to the colour of orange, its vibrancy its warmth and its abillity to lift ones spirits and induce creativity, , take a look at the work of Ruth Lloyd, now if this doesnt induce a good vibe I will eat my hat.  Ruth’s takes on orange is tangerine , take a look at her website by clicking on the image


a litte bit of Kandinsky to make you sing !!